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The idea of an association to bring together the descendants of Abraham Krohn arose in late 1960s. A temporary family council, chosen in 1970, called a meeting to decide on establishing the association on Feb. 20-21, 1971. The first day was a family reunion with programme, and on the next day a formal decision was made to establish the Abraham Krohn Family Association, and its by-laws were approved. The idea was that any descendants of Abraham Krohn, and their spouses, are accepted as members.

From right: Heidi Krohn, Heikki Korosuo, Holger Stubb, Maria Stubb, Peter Hackman, Paula Mellberg-Kurki-Suonio, Kaarle Kurki-Suonio, Christian Nebe (von Reibnitz)
From the beginning, the association has aimed at connecting the different branches of the Krohn family. Its goal has also been to promote the spirit of kinship among family members, to cherish family traditions, and to pay respect to the memory of past generations. From 1979 the name of the association has been Krohn Family Association. The association is unregistered.
Forms of Activities
To put the ideas into practice, the association has arranged various occasions to commemorate and present the life-work of prominent family members, and organized gatherings to introduce different family branches. The different family branches were gathered in a memorable summer festival in 2000. Our family oak, which covers all descendants of Abrahma Krohn, including also foreign branches of the family, was published there. Data for this tree were provided by family members,
In the course of years, the association has sent information letters reporting on family events. Several articles on the history of the family have appeared in the Finnish media, written either by family members or outsiders. The association has also organized trips to the "roots" of the family, like Rügen, Viborg and the estate of Kiiskilä. Individual family members have visited Madeira, walking in the footsteps of the Madeira Krohns, as well as St. Petersburg, where the Stepan Razin brewery continues Abraham Krohn's traditions. In Estonia, the trails of Aino Kallas have also been followed. Reports on these trips have been given to family members in different occasions.
In recent years the association has also created contacts with the descendants of the Madeira Krohns. In Estonia, members of the association have attended various Aino Kallas related events, both as lecturers and participants. From 1977 the association has been responsible for taking care of Julius Krohn's grave in Hietaniemi graveyard in Helsinki, and from 1987 also Leopold Krohn's grave in the same graveyard. An important partner has been the Finnish Literature Society, which has offered premises for several events of the association. The Krohn association is a member of the Genealogical Society of Finland, Tuglas Society and Aino Kallas Society.
Activities of recent years include a trip to St. Peterburg in spring 2010 and to Madeira in spring 2014. The 40th anniversary of the association was celebrated in August 2011 in the old mansion of Brinkhall in Turku.

Oona Krohn, Walter Breitenstein, Liisa Kurki-Suonio, Sargit Breitenstein
Administration of the Association – Family Council
The administrative body of the association is the Family Council chaired by its President, both elected by an ordinary family meeting at least every three years. Officials that are needed for different activities are appointed by the Council, either from among its own membership or from outside. The size of the Council is about 10 people representing those family branches which are active in Finland.
The first President, elected by the first ordinary family meeting in 1971, was Oskar Kurki-Suonio. He has been succeeded by Toivo Korosuo, who chaired the temporary Council before the association was formally established, Walter Hackman, Juhana Kurki-Suonio, Aarni Krohn and Heikki Korosuo. Today the President is Risto Honkanen, elected in 2009. The following persons have served as secretary-treasurers, and later also as the information secretary: Leena Krohn, Heikki Korosuo, Paula Kurki-Suonio, Laura Voipio, Hele Krohn. The present secretary is Irene Honkanen.
Membership and Membership Dues
As already said, any descendant of Abraham Krohn (1766-1827) is eligible for membership, as well as the spouse of such a person. Presently the annual membership due is 20 € for persons over 27, and 10 € for persons between 17 and 26. Lifetime membership is 200 € for persons over 27.
Welcome to participate in our activities and to develop our association!

From left: Hilkka Oksama-Valtonen, Timo Krohn, Aarni Krohn, Tiina Krohn, Merja Kurki-Suonio, Paula Kurki-Suonio, Maria Stubb.
The present Family Council with contact information is given below.
Krohn Family Council
Risto Honkanen, puheenjohtaja
tel 09 8011119 / 050 4247280
email: risto.honkanen(at)mandatumlife.fi / honkanen.risto(at)kolumbus.fi
Irene Burmansson
tel 044 2593591
email: irene.burmansson(at)gmail.com
Heikki Korosuo, kunniapuheenjohtaja
tel 0400 427457
Anna Krohn
tel 040 7247127
email: anna.marketta.krohn(at)gmail.com
Oliver Krohn
Paula Kurki-Suonio
tel 0500 490916
email: paula(at)kurki-suonio.fi
Reino Kurki-Suonio
tel 050 5052674
email: reino.kurki-suonio(at)tuni.fi
Mikaela Krohn
mikaela.krohn (a) gmail.com
Tuomas Partanen
tuomas.i.partanen (a) gmail.com
Hilkka Oksama-Valtonen
email: hilkka.oksama (at)gmail.com
Oliver Krohn
email: leopold.krohn (at)gmail.com